
Leila on Software is a blog about software development for people in the software development community, whether they’re directly involved in creating software; participating in the management of software companies, projects, and people; or involved in some other way. It’s a concepts, ideas and opinions blog. If you’re looking for a blog with lots of technical details on how to set up such-and-such or troubleshoot this-or-that, keep looking. If you’re looking for a blog that touches on a lot of things at a more conceptual level and explores broader ideas and trends, I hope you’ll give this one a chance.

Leila on Software is a blog born out of my personal passion for reading, learning, improving myself and helping others. You can expect me to write about and express thoughts and opinions on a wide range of topics, from technical concepts and trends to culture and management. This blog also serves as an on-going thank-you note to those that I’ve learned from and continue to learn from.

Why is this blog called Leila on Software?

The first blog I ever read on a regular basis was the amazing, still relevant and insightful, Joel on Software.  Joel Spolsky used his blog to share his thoughts and opinions on software, management, business and the internet. He did this in a way that drew me in along with thousands of other software developers and development managers.  

Joel has retired from blogging now, but continues to have a huge impact on the software development community – running several companies that provide massively popular tools and resources for software developers.  I’ve only met Joel personally once – and I’m sure he wouldn’t even remember me – but sufficed to say I’m a fan to the point that I’ve named this blog in honour of his. 

About me

I’m Leila Pearson – an Electronics Engineering graduate who has spent more than 20 years in professional software development.  If you’re wondering how to pronounce my name – think of the Star Wars princess – but with an extra “L”.  

Part of my software development career has been hands on with code – designing, programming, testing, debugging, and refactoring.  A larger part of my career has been spent moving between roles as a development manager, software quality manager, or both.  Products and projects I’ve worked on include large real-time embedded paging systems, wireless email systems, cell phones, software-defined radios, and – as side projects that have helped me to learn and to keep some of my development skills sharp – installing, administering, and modifying tools that help with software development.     

I live and work in the Vancouver, British Columbia area – where the ocean, mountains, and forests are beautiful and where I continue to work with a lot of great software professionals to develop products that I’m proud of. I feel very fortunate that I get to learn new things every day, work on things I’m passionate about, and get paid for it!