Agile principles talk about hiring great people and getting out of their way. They emphasize that self organized teams produce the best results. The problem is, by focusing so much on individuals and teams they also tend to devalue the role of good management and good leadership outside of those teams.
Enterprise software and continuous delivery
While agile development practices have become more and more mainstream, some agile concepts are still prone to a “sure, but that doesn’t apply to me” reaction. One of these concepts is the principle of frequent or continuous deliveries.
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Microservices – trend or fad?
I’ve been reading a lot about microservices lately, starting with the excellent Building Microservices book by Sam Newman, and then devouring various blog articles on the topic – including this article by Martin Fowler and James Lewis which provides a nice introduction if you’re new to the topic. Here’s my take on why this style of architecture is worth paying attention to.